Maximize SEO with
money-driven insights

Maximize SEO with
money-driven insights

Maximize SEO with
money-driven insights

Maximize SEO with
money-driven insights

Maximize SEO with
money-driven insights

Maximize SEO with
money-driven insights

Connect your business and SEO data to gain cost-effective insights and avoid blind decision-making.

Connect your business and SEO data to gain cost-effective insights and avoid blind decision-making.

Connect your business and SEO data to gain cost-effective insights and avoid blind decision-making.

Connect your business and SEO data to gain cost-effective insights and avoid blind decision-making.

Connect your business and SEO data to gain cost-effective insights and avoid blind decision-making.

Connect your business and SEO data to gain cost-effective insights and avoid blind decision-making.

SVG image showing mockup of actual app.
SVG image showing mockup of actual app.
SVG image showing mockup of actual app.
SVG image showing mockup of actual app.
SVG image showing mockup of actual app.
SVG image showing mockup of actual app.





Business and SEO data,
unique insights.

Connect your business data and SEO data to gain cost-effective insights and make informed decisions.

It’s time to transform your SEO strategy.

It’s time to transform your SEO strategy.

It’s time to transform your SEO strategy.

It’s time to transform your SEO strategy.

Connect your business data and SEO data to gain data-driven insights.

Connect your business data and SEO data to gain data-driven insights.

Connect your business data and SEO data to gain data-driven insights.

Connect your business data and SEO data to gain data-driven insights.

Mockup showing the part of application's interface.
Mockup showing the part of application's interface.
Mockup showing the part of application's interface.
Mockup showing the part of application's interface.

Share of Voice
& Segmentation

Share of Voice
& Segmentation

Share of Voice
& Segmentation

Share of Voice
& Segmentation

Share of Voice gives you an exact position, segmentation provides you a detailed view.

Combined, they generate insights for the best SEO strategy possible.

Share of Voice gives you an exact position, segmentation provides you a detailed view.

Combined, they generate insights for the best SEO strategy possible.

Share of Voice gives you an exact position, segmentation provides you a detailed view.

Combined, they generate insights for the best SEO strategy possible.

Share of Voice gives you an exact position, segmentation provides you a detailed view.

Combined, they generate insights for the best SEO strategy possible.


Mockup showing the part of application's interface.
Mockup showing the part of application's interface.
Mockup showing the part of application's interface.
Mockup showing the part of application's interface.

Test your new strategies iteratively

Test your new strategies iteratively

Test your new strategies iteratively

Test your new strategies iteratively

Test the new site changes iteratively using Share of Voice and equip yourself with arguments for money-making SEO changes.

Test the new site changes iteratively using Share of Voice and equip yourself with arguments for money-making SEO changes.

Test the new site changes iteratively using Share of Voice and equip yourself with arguments for money-making SEO changes.

Test the new site changes iteratively using Share of Voice and equip yourself with arguments for money-making SEO changes.


Mockup showing the part of application's interface.
Mockup showing the part of application's interface.
Mockup showing the part of application's interface.
Mockup showing the part of application's interface.

Know every step
of your competition

Know every step
of your competition

Know every step
of your competition

Know every step
of your competition

Analyze every month how your competitors are doing and what keywords they are doing numbers on.

Analyze every month how your competitors are doing and what keywords they are doing numbers on.

Analyze every month how your competitors are doing and what keywords they are doing numbers on.

Analyze every month how your competitors are doing and what keywords they are doing numbers on.

Mockup showing the part of application's interface.
Mockup showing the part of application's interface.
Mockup showing the part of application's interface.
Mockup showing the part of application's interface.
Image of Marketa Cervenkova, COO at


We've been using Share of Voice to evaluate SEO results for a long time, but when combined with business data, it gave us a whole new perspective on where to invest funds effectively to make the most of the season.

Marketa Cervenkova

Chief Operating Officer at

We will help you
share your voice

Mockup showing the part of application's interface. Mockup showcases the bar chart with several toggle buttons at the bottom and segmentation at the top of the card.

With Share of Voice, even people who are not SEO specialists will understand perfect results. From board members to developers.


Grouping allows you to quickly find what you're looking for in a sea of data.


Don't let keyword analysis be a one-time stand, analyze it continuously.

Higher perspective view

Get an overview of the entire website in one graph and assess weak points at a glance.

Potential versus difficulty

Make sure you are on track with your goals and what you need to do to get there.

Brand Awareness

Share of Voice allows a brand to track its share of advertising and marketing activity in a particular market, which can help increase brand awareness.

Competitive Insights

Share of Voice provides brands with competitive insights by allowing them to compare their marketing efforts to those of their competitors.

Image of Helen Skyvarova, Head of SEO at


I was worried that I wouldn't have good enough data to use the tool, but thanks to the personalized onboarding, we've been able to automatically segment all the keywords we're targeting and have a global view of our site backed by data.

Helen Skyvarova

Head of SEO at

Dedicated to keeping
your sensitive data safe

Mockup showing the part of application's interface. Mockup includes toggle switch at the very top, followed by a row of dropdown buttons and finally the table below showcasing the data that are hidden as the section relates to security.

We know that protecting your personal & business information is essential to maintaining your trust and ensuring your privacy.

State-of-the-art Security

Grouping allows you to quickly find what you're looking for in a sea of data.


Don't let keyword analysis be a one-time stand, but analyze it continuously.

Image of Lubomir Kruzliak, Performane Marketing Manager at


We needed our financial data to be secure, and the approach taken by KWE has made this possible.

Lubomir Kruzliak

Performance Marketing Manager at


Meet our customers

Keyword Eater already helps tens of companies to manage SEO and make cost-effective decisions. Check some of their stories!

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

You belong among the stars!


What’s the price?

Our pricing is designed to fit your needs and budget. Reach out to our Sales agent and pay only for what you use, with no hidden fees or long-term commitments.

Custom price per month

according to your needs

We currently calculate each tarif

individually. Reach out to us to find

best price according to your needs.

We currently calculate each tarif individually. Reach out to us to find best price according to your needs.

Built for the future!

We have built Keyword Eater with future in our minds. We aim to provide SEO solution, that is ready for upcoming future challenges!